Os dias estão a ficar mais pequenos e parece que o Outono veio, finalmente, para ficar. A chuva convida a ficar em casa, bem quentinha, entre os tecidos, as linhas e as agulhas. Nestes últimos dias têm nascido peças novas que podem ser usadas para adornar as árvores de Natal, móveis ou portas. São bolinhas, estrelas, árvores, corações, os famosos gingerbreadmen, tudo feito em feltro e, algumas, com aplicações de tecido.
Days are now smaller. Autumn seems to be finally here and preparing to stay. Rainy days invite me to stay home among my fabrics, threads and needles. These last days some works have been born. Balls, stars, Christmas trees, hearts and gingerbreadmen, made of felt and with fabric applications can be used to decorate Christmas trees, doors, furniture and so on.
Para encomendar envie um e-mail, indicando o número do artigo pretendido, para mentaepimentacrafts@gmail.com
To order something send us an e-mail, with the number of the product you want, to mentaepimentacrafts@gmail.com
Days are now smaller. Autumn seems to be finally here and preparing to stay. Rainy days invite me to stay home among my fabrics, threads and needles. These last days some works have been born. Balls, stars, Christmas trees, hearts and gingerbreadmen, made of felt and with fabric applications can be used to decorate Christmas trees, doors, furniture and so on.
Para encomendar envie um e-mail, indicando o número do artigo pretendido, para mentaepimentacrafts@gmail.com
To order something send us an e-mail, with the number of the product you want, to mentaepimentacrafts@gmail.com